
  The policy of ALMME is:

  • The production of fresh and processed agricultural products in basis of a modern philosophy for the foods and the production process.
  • To organize all the mechanisms of the raw material production in such a way to be flexible in all the continuous increasing demands and changes of the market.

  • Very strict and precise quality control and clear specifications which have to be followed without any change from the raw material till the final product.

  • The final products have to satisfy the clients demands , to be in competitive prices and in such specifications that guarantee the safety of the final customers and the non-existence of any pesticide residuals in the final products.

  • To have only satisfied customers

  • The continuous quality improvement of the final products and services to the clients.

  • To be a quality wise factory

 To achieve the above , we try to :

    Image Diversify our sales in as much as possible different very well developing marke

    Image Avoid the production of any non-conformity products

    Image Have a high level of satisfaction of our clietns from our products and services

    Image Cooperate with very reliable suppliers

    Image Apply pre-cautionary measures

    Image Use of GMO Free raw materials and secondary ones.

 For all above goals we are applying: