The policy of ALMME is:
- The production of fresh and processed agricultural products in basis of a modern philosophy for the foods and the production process.
To organize all the mechanisms of the raw material production in such a way to be flexible in all the continuous increasing demands and changes of the market.
Very strict and precise quality control and clear specifications which have to be followed without any change from the raw material till the final product.
The final products have to satisfy the clients demands , to be in competitive prices and in such specifications that guarantee the safety of the final customers and the non-existence of any pesticide residuals in the final products.
To have only satisfied customers
The continuous quality improvement of the final products and services to the clients.
To be a quality wise factory
To achieve the above , we try to :
Diversify our sales in as much as possible different very well developing marke
Avoid the production of any non-conformity products
Have a high level of satisfaction of our clietns from our products and services
Cooperate with very reliable suppliers
Apply pre-cautionary measures
Use of GMO Free raw materials and secondary ones.
For all above goals we are applying:
We succeed full traceability system, through the production code in which the production date and time is mentioned
We are always following and declaring conformity to the latest regulations and instructions from any relative EU or local organization
We are always training our staff in all managerial levels, to have full comprehension of our quality policy.
Our staff is always allowed by the manegement , to apply all relative procedures of the quality assurance systems
There is a quality assurance manager who is controlling and checking the application of the quaity assurance systems